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Saturday, March 26, 2011

What do you think?

Would you let your kid have a Facebook or a Myspace at any age? or Would you restrict them to having one at, lets say, 16? What age is appropriate for a kid or teen to have a social networking account? I feel that any kid over the age of 14 can have an account because by then they should be well aware of the dangers of internet and be taught not to talk to strangers online. This topic is really up to the parents to teach their kids about the dangers of the internet! There have been many child abductions from these sites and if a child/teen wants one then the parent must make sure their child/teen is responsible enough to have one and parents should monitor their child's use. Speaking of that I do actually agree parents should have a Facebook/Myspace as well, it only ensures safety for their kids and helps teach parents about sites such as Facebook and Myspace and keep them up to date on the latest internet usages. No harm in that!


Social Networking, thing of the past?

there is one thing about social networking, it is not a guarantee it will stay around forever or in a better term: stay the same. I have noticed over the years how many websites like myspace and facebook change to keep up with the pace of society and keep many people interested. I wonder how much more could they possibly change before they become obsolete to something else? There could be a whole other form of internet socializing soon to be made! We have no idea...other than technology is rapidly advancing. I feel it is only a matter of time before these internet sites like facebook and myspace will become a thing of the past, much like how listserv was treated. People move onto bigger and better things now. I guess it is a wait and see if Social Networking sites will last or not. Hmm...

Saturday, March 5, 2011


An interesting website where anyone can make their own wiki page. Very similar to a blog.
Lots of editing options to chose from! Very good for teachers/professors/businesses/etc..

You can use this for your own information to share with colleagues, students, faculty, staff, and more! Check it out!!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

wikipedia - can it be trusted?

This article is a very good eye opener to whether or not Wikipedia can
really be trusted. Highly recommend reading if you are thinking about
using Wikipedia.

Good Luck