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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Influence of Technology, in the modern age

Today I saw a 5 year old girl with a cell phone. I thought, "Wow, I wasn't allowed to have a mobile phone until I was a sophmore in highschool." When I saw that, I thought today's society and younger generations are overly influenced by technology. Almost everyone of all ages has a cell phone and not just any cell phones, 3G and 4G iphones! Which might I mention are constantly being updated so there is really no point in buying one when and even newer and better phone will come out in a month or less! I think today we are trying too hard to be advanced in technology. I can see how it can benefit in health and sciences but things like computers, tvs, videogames, etc..have taken over many young kids social lives. I wonder if one day, everyone will just be consumed by the use of technology and become so dependent that no one leaves there houses! Hmmm. What do you think?

Good Luck

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